Pictured:  My inner-inner-inner circle, otherwise known as your Deutsch Photography Team.

I’m Sherri Phillips, and I co-own Deutsch Photography with my business and life partner, Brett Deutsch, who is also our chief photographer. DahliaDog is our mascot, cheerleader, sometimes-model, client-wooer and all-round good girl (except when she’s not).

Our photography instantly conveys who you are and what sets you & your business apart.  Our images can help you boost your bottom line.

As you can see if you scroll back through a few of my LinkedIn posts, I’m in this business mostly because I love learning and sharing your stories. I feel like our photos of you and the world are like beautiful trees in a forest — disconnected but compelling visual evidence of the nurturing root network below the ground that connects, sustains, and supports us all.

I’m posting this because (a) Joe Apfelbaum issued a 5-Day LI Challenge and he’s pretty hard to resist, (b) Tina Larsson invited me to participate (and she’s IMPOSSIBLE to resist), and (c) it’s been a really long time since I’ve actually just introduced myself.

Do you want to join the challenge? Click here — I’ll read and comment on every single one of your posts. And it’s a very good thing I’m not a cat, because my curiosity is pretty bottomless (and DahliaDog might not appreciate my lack of opposable thumbs).

Apart from Gotham Family Photos, you can view our galleries on Headshots NYC, Deutsch Photography and Deutsch Photography: Weddings, Mitzvahs & Corporate Events Photographer

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